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Versant VenturesVersant Ventures

Versant Ventures

  • 资本类型:
  • 机构性质:VC
  • 注册地点:美国
  • 成立时间:1999年
  • 机构总部:美国
  • 投资阶段:

Versant Ventures is a leading global healthcare investment firm committed to helping exceptional entrepreneurs build the next generation of great healthcare companies. The firm invests across the healthcare sector and at all stages of company development, with an emphasis on the discovery and development of novel therapeutics. With Versant Ventures.3 billion under management and offices in North America and Europe, Versant has built a team with deep investment, operating, and scientific expertise that enables a hands-on approach to company building. Since the firm’s founding in 1999, more than 65 Versant companies have achieved successful acquisitions or IPOs.

